Third Offense OWI in Iowa

A charge for OWI – Third or Subsequent in Iowa is a scenario no driver wants to face. The offense is a Class D Felony.

Charges can be enhanced to a Third Offense OWI if the prior convictions, deferred judgments, or entry of a plea of guilty occurred within the last 12 years from the date of the new offense.

Hiring an experienced lawyer specializing in OWI and criminal defense is vital when facing this felony charge.

OWI – Third Offense Penalties in Iowa

Iowa Third Offense OWI Penalties increase significantly in scope and severity:

  • Incarceration Time: Iowa law mandates a minimum jail sentence of 30 days in county jail. The 30-day sentence is a minimum mandatory penalty, meaning a judge can’t suspend this requirement. The maximum term is a prison sentence not to exceed 5 years.
  • Fines: The minimum fine is $3,125, plus a 15% surcharge. The maximum fine is $9,375.
  • Court Ordered Driver’s License Revocation: Upon a conviction for OWI -Third Offense, the court must impose a driver’s license revocation of six years, stemming from the date of conviction.

A Serious Charge that Requires a Serious Defense

Whether your case involves a chemical test of your breath, blood or urine, or a refusal to submit to the test, we will fight to protect your rights.

Don’t wait a minute. Call us today at 319-820-0444.

Call us for a Free Consulation.